Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* During the school year all students are required to attend chapel 18 times a semester except nursing major and adult students, so do you feel as if all students no matter what their major is should be required?
* When it comes to chapel do you feel as if commuters who travel from a distance should have to attend the 18 chapel requirement?
* If chapel credits requirement were to be lowered to 10 for all commuters students do you think it would be fair for students who live on campus to attend all 18 still?
If you were a commuter student would you feel that being required to attend 18 chapels a semester would be fair? (only non-commuters)
* What is your outlook on chapel requirements do you feel as if they should be required, lowered to 10, or no requirement at all? Why?
How Regularly do you attend chapel ?
Once a week
Twice a week
Once Biweekly
Twice Biweekly
How much do you appreciate Chapel ? (With 10 being the Highest)