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Customer Facing e-nnouncements are available to forward to your customers. Do you look for the “Forward information about this product to a customer” button in each of your e-nnouncements?

* When it comes to the FORWARD feature...
I do use it and forward them thru the "Customer-facing e-nnouncement Message Application"
I do use it and send only one to myself and forward thru Outlook using "Send SLX"
I do not use it. I forward the original e-nnouncement I recieve directly to my customers
I do not use it
* How often do you forward e-nnouncements to your customers?
* Of the e-nnouncements you forward to customers, on average, to how many customers do you forward per e-nnouncement?
1-5 6-10 11-20 21+
* When forwarding Customer Facing e-nnouncements, what basis/criteria drives your forwarding decision?
In the Sales Cycle
Opportunity Identified
Perfect Timing

Please take a moment and share what you like and/or dislike about the e-nnouncement forward feature. Share your success stories on forwards or challenges that discourage you from taking advantage of this tool.
Name (optional)
Please take a moment and share what prevents you from taking advantage of the forward feature.
Name (optional)
Please contact hc_marcomm if you have any questions.
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