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Within what price range are the fashion tees you typically purchase?
$10.00 or less
$10.01 to $15.00
$15.01 to $20.00
over $20.00
When shopping for an everyday dress, how many stores do you typically shop?
More than 12
What is your approximate age?
18 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 and over
Indicate your marital status.
Please indicate your approximate yearly household income before taxes. (Include total income of all adults living in your household.)
Under $25,000
$25,001 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
$75,000 - $99,999
$100,000 -$149,999
$150,000 and over
What was the last grade you completed in school?
Some high school
High school graduate
Some college
College graduate
Please indicate the number of children in your household under the age of 18.
Four or more
Including yourself, how many persons are in your household?
Five or more
What is your current work status?
Work outside home full time
Work outside home part time
Do not work outside home
What is the present occupation of the head of household?
Service worker
Please write in your ZIP Code.
Thank you for your participation.
What types of products did you purchase on the Internet?
Please check all that you bought:

Books or magazines
Computer hardware
Music, CDs, recordings
Videos, DVDs
Home Electronics
Travel (airlines, car rentals, hotels)
Tickets (concert, movies, etc.)
Services (insurance, legal)
Other items
Other (Please Specify)

Below are some statements of peopleÂ’s attitudes toward the Internet. Please check the one box that best indicates how well the statement describes you personally. Even if you donÂ’t use the Internet, from what you may have heard about it, please check the box that best reflects your impressions.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
I think on-line buying is (or would be) a novel, fun way to shop.
I like the help & friendliness I can get at local stores.
For me, shopping in stores is a hassle.
I think Internet shopping would avoid the hassle of local shopping.
Local stores have better prices & promotions than Internet stores.
IÂ’d have a hard time searching the Internet to find what I need.
I donÂ’t think Internet stores carry things I want.
I disklike the delivery problems & backorders of Internet buying.
I find the Internet ordering process is hard to understand & use.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
I don't want to give out my credit card number to a computer.
I think Internet shopping offers better quality than local stores.
I don't know much about using the Internet.
I often go to the Internet to preview products.
I would like not having to leave home when shopping.
I like it that no car is necessary when shopping on the Internet.
I often go to the Internet for product reviews or recommendations.
I like having products delivered to me at home.
I want to see things in person before I buy.
What type of Internet connection you have at home?
Please check one.

I don't know
Dial-up modem
Cable or ISDN
DSL Line
T1 or Faster
Other (Please Specify)
For each item below, please check the one box that best indicates how descriptive the statement is of you.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
It is important to me to be treated well
I like the “royal treatment” in stores
I have somewhat old-fashioned tastes and habits
I like my clothes to look up to date
I never have enough time to shop
I think I am a little bit wild
I think shopping is fun
I often buy things on impulse
I have lots of leisure time
And lastly, a few final—but important—questions to help classify your answers.
Are you:

Other (Please Specify)
and are you...

Other (Please Specify)
Your age is...

Under 13
13 to 18
19 to 29
30 to 44
45 to 64
65 or older
Other (Please Specify)
Are there any children in your home? If so, what are their ages?

Under 10
10 to 15
16 to 19
No, no children at home
Other (Please Specify)
What type of housing to you live in?

Single unit home
Other (Please Specify)
And do you...

Rent your home
Other (Please Specify)
What is your highest level of education?

High school
Trade school
Some college
College grad
Advanced degree
Other (Please Specify)
What is your total yearly household income, before taxes?

Under $30,000
Over $150,000
Other (Please Specify)
What is your zip code?
Thank you so much for your time... to be entered in the five drawings for $500 cash, please enter your e-mail address.
Listed below are statements about shopping behavior for clothes and about clothing fashions. Please check one box for each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
I don't like to go shopping.
I buy less clothing because of rising prices.
I like having something suitable to wear for any occasion.
I make purchases only when there is a need, not on impulse.
I often go shopping to get ideas even though I have no intention of buying.
I prefer to shop in stores that offer a wide variety of clothing selections.
I shop only when I have to replace items which have worn out or are out of style.
I go shopping often.
I like to go to stores to see what's new in clothing.
I make fewer shopping trips because of the high cost of gasoline.
Because of my active lifestyle I need a wide variety of clothes.
I like to shop in many different stores.
I find more of my clothes and accessories in off-beat shops than in traditional department and specialty shops.
I am current with forward fashion trends as pictured in advanced fashion magazines.
I like to experiment with my clothes so that I won't look like everyone else.
I like classic looks, but only if they are updated to reflect current fashion trends.
I don't buy clothes that would make me stand out from everyone else.
I prefer traditional styling in my clothes.
In selecting clothes, I tend to buy fewer
Listed below are statements about shopping behavior for clothes and about clothing fashions. Please check one box for each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Listed below are statements about shopping behavior for clothes and about clothing fashions. Please check one box for each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Definitely Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Somewhat Agree Definitely Agree
I buy clothes I like, regardless of current fashion.
I buy new fashion looks only when they are well accepted.
I am not as concerned about fashion as I am about modest prices and wearability.
I prefer to buy well-known designer labels rather than take a chance on something new.
My friends regard me as a good source of advice on fashion selection.
I am confident of my own good taste in clothing.
I'm not afraid to be the first to wear something different in fashion looks.
I like to buy clothes.
I feel good when I buy something new.
I like clothes that make the most of my figure.
I am the first to try new fashions, therefore many people regard me as being a fashion pacesetter.
In this period of rising prices, spending excessive amounts of money on clothes is ridiculous.
Listed below are statements about shopping behavior for clothes and about clothing fashions. Please check one box for each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Listed below are statements about shopping behavior for clothes and about clothing fashions. Please check one box for each statement to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
What you think of yourself is reflected by what you wear.
I plan my shopping trips carefully.
You can tell you are just a bit better than someone else if you dress better than they do.
A man wouldn't look twice at a woman who wasn't well dressed.
Wearing good clothes is part of leading the good life.
I plan my wardrobe carefully.
I resent being told what ot wear by so-called fashion experts.
I like clothes that emphasize my femininity.
Fashion in clothing is just a way to get more money from the consumer.
I often find I don't have ll the accessories to go with my outfits.
I shop for coordinated outfits.
There is something wrong with a woman who doesn't care about dressing nicely.
Below are a list of features that are part of the product. How important is each feature to you?
Not At All Important
2 3 4 5
Extremely Important
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3
Feature 3
Feature 4
This survey is about a new product concept that is described as folows:

Whether or not you know about [Product], how favorable is your overall reaction?
Very good
What is it that you like most about [Product]? Please enter as many items as you wish.
What do you like least about [Product]?
Based on the product description, how interested would you be in buying this new [Product] if it were within your budget? Please check one.
Not at all interested
Not very interested
Not sure
Somewhat interested
Extremely interested
About what would you expect to pay for a new [Product]?
How often do you use [Product Category]?
Once a week or more often
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times a year
Once a year or less
Do not use
Thank you for your feedback.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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