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What are you most proud of so far in your life?
What's your biggest frustration regarding your health and fitness right now?
What topics would you most like to see us cover in an article on the GMB blog (Select all that apply)?
Tutorials for specific movement skills
Complete workouts using gymnastics rings or other tools
General training advice
Information about maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Articles on fat loss
Inspiring examples of people with amazing skills
Tips for improving flexibility and mobility

Which format(s) do you prefer?
Online Articles
Online Videos
Downloads to view offline
Mobile access via smartphone
Group forum / Online community

What's your favorite online hangout?
What GMB programs have you used (Select all that apply)?
Rings One
Parallettes One
Floor One
Handstand Module
BBCC Programs
Focused Flexibility
Nothing yet

If you've used GMB programs, what one thing should we know about your experience so far? If you've never used a GMB program, what's stopped you from taking the plunge?
If we could create a brand new program just for you, what needs would it address and what would it look like? How would you use it? (Please be as detailed as possible)
Anything else you want to tell us? We always appreciate any feedback you might have.
That's it!
Thanks so much for your time and support.
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