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Research Disclaimer (To Be Included)
Thank you for your participation in this market research study. You will be asked several questions surrounding the purchase decision process and the order process your business would go through to purchase non-skid treads. If you have purchased non-skid treads in the past, please answer the questions as they apply to your previous purchase. If you have not purchased non-skid treads, please answer the questions as they would apply to your purchase decision and ordering process. For the purposes of this study, non-skid treads are defined as a strip or casing that can be attached to a stair or walkway to increase traction of the surface. Here are a several pictures of non-skid treads currently available for sale in the marketplace:
1. Have you previously purchased a non-skid tread material?
Yes No
2. If so, please indicate which product you have purchased:
Please select all that apply:
a. Textured Paint
b. Rubber Tread
c. Non-Skid Tape
d. Industrial Tread
e. Other:
4. Please indicate which resources would be used to research non-skid treads before purchasing the product:
Yes No Local Retail Store
Yes No Contractors
Yes No Insurance company
Yes No State regulation agency
Yes No Internet
Yes No Suggestions from other property managers
Yes No Suggestions from current residents
Yes No Industry Magazine
Yes No Other:
5. Which resource does your firm use most often:
Please choose one:
a. Local Retail Store
b. Contractors
c. Insurance company
d. State regulation agency
e. Internet
f. Suggestions from other property managers
g. Suggestions from current residents
h. Industry Magazine
i. Other:
6. Please indicate which party conducts the research for non-skid treads as indicated in the previous question:
Please Circle All That Apply:
a. Property Manager
b. Resident Board of Directors
c. Internal Contractors
d. External Contractors
e. Other:
7. Please indicate which party makes the final decision to purchase non-skid treads for the property:
Please Circle All That Apply:
a. Property Manager
b. Resident Board of Directors
c. Internal Contractors
d. External Contractors
e. Other:
9. Please indicate your preferred method for placing orders:
Please select one:
a. Purchase at a store in person
b. Phone
c. Internet
d. Mail Order
10. Why do you prefer to place orders using this method (as written above):
Please Circle all that apply:
Ability to inspect, actually feel and touch the product
Lower cost compared to other methods
Ability to bargain or ask for discounts
Trusted method, worry-free process
Contractually obligated to purchase materials through this method
11. Please rank in order of importance your preference to have the ability to customize features of non-skid treads:
Please rank from 1-3
_____ Shape
_____ Size
13. How many property units does your firm manage?
Please select one:
a. less than 100 units
b. 100 – 300 units
c. 300 – 500 units
d. more than 500 units
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