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Begin Public Speaking Syllabus Survey

Syllabus Information
Name of Institution
Course Title
Year on Syllabus
Instructor name

Syllabus was acquired
Syllabus Data Source

Degrees of Distance

How much of the course is offered online?
entirely online
mostly online (hybrid)
somewhat online (web-enhanced, "traditional" class)
not at all online

Under what circumstances are students and teachers required to meet face-to-face? Select all that apply.
for a class orientation
to present speeches
once a week meeting
"regular," traditional on campus class times
Students and teachers are not required to meet face-to-face


How is technology used to deliver course content? Select all that apply.
Course website
online syllabus
online discussion board
online text-based lectures
online video lectures
online textbook resources
tests and/or quizzes given online
DVD or VHS tapes of lectures and/or example speeches
video conferencing
streaming video
web/pod cast
synchronous chat


Speech assignments and Requirements

How many graded speeches do students present?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 or more

How are speeches given and/or collected?
electronic file
students are required to present speeches on campus
students are not required to give speeches
Other (specify)


If students ARE NOT required to, or are unable to, give speech presentations what, if any, optional assignments can be completed in place of graded speeches?
speech critiques (live or televised)
typed text of speech assignment
Other (specify)


Minimum audience size requirements?
Yes No
If audience size is specified, what is the size requirement?

If a minimum audience size is required, how do students prove the minimum was met?
audience is panned before and/or after the speech
audience feedback forms
Other (specify)

Are there additional speech collection requirements?

Are students required to use visual aids for any of their speeches?
Yes No

If yes, what types of visual aids must students use?
printed materials
overhead projector
black or white board
Power Point slides
Other (specify)

Are there additional requirements regarding submission of visual aid materials separately from the speech collection requirements? For instance, are Power Point slides to be emailed separately?


How many of the following are graded assignments?
Discussion Board Posts
Written outlines for speeches
speech critiques


Social Presence

Are students required to meet face-to-face?
Yes No

Are students required to post an online introduction?
Yes No

Are students required to work in groups?
Yes No

Are students required to participate in online, asynchronous discussions?
Yes No

Are students required to participate in synchronous class discussions (chat)?
Yes No

Are students required to email the teacher for any reason?
Yes No
List any other ways that students are encouraged to interact with other students or with the teacher.

Communication Anxiety

Does the syllabus mention communication anxiety (or any form of wording for fear of speaking in public) in any context?
Yes No

In what ways are students exposed to advice or instruction about communication anxiety?
assigned reading
discussion board topic
links to outside web sites
no mention of Communication Anxiety is made


Are students required to answer communication apprehension questions on a self-reported measurement instrument like the PRCA?
Yes No
If students answer a questionnaire other than the PRCA, what test do they take?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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