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Exit Survey
What do you feel are the major reasons ex-contvicts return to prison?
Do you feel you were given enough educational/job training opertunities while you were incercerated?
Were you enrolled in job traing/educational programs while you were in prison?
After your release from prison have you found it difficult to get employment? If so what steps have you taken to make your-self more employable?
Did you have regual visits while your were in prison? If so by whom, If not why did you not have visits?
Are you a faith based person? And do practice your faith? Do you have a clergy person to whom you talk with on a regular basics?
Do you feel now that you have been convicted of a it will/will not be easy for you to re-enter socity,and not return to prison? Please a detailed answer
What do you see as a the main ways for ex-convicts to stay out of prison? What can we as a society do to help ex-convicts stay out of prison?
What was your family/community like before you went to prison?
Do you have any special job/educational skills? if not do you plan to take advantage of prison programs ifthey are offered?
Please give a detailed reason on why you feel the reidivism rate is so high in America' s prison and what you think should be done forthis problem.
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