Survey Templates Surveys OII DPhil mood barometer - COPIED

OII DPhil mood barometer - COPIED

OII DPhil mood barometer

1) How satisfied are you with the representation of your main area of research by faculty members at the OII?
1a) If you have chosen one of the first two alternatives in Question 1, please rank those which would be your main concerns in that regard. Number "1" is the most important reason. Leave in blank those which do not represent a concern you have.
Problems of institutional affiliation – i.e. about your own feeling of belongingness to the OII
Problems of reputation – i.e. about how people in your field may perceive your degree or profile
Lack of opportunities of academic exchange
Lack of opportunities to engage in research projects
Lack of adequate supervision
1b) If you have chosen one of the first two alternatives in Question 1, would you regard the situation as deserving attention
2) How much do you agree with the following statement:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Being at the OII help me to grow into the role of a researcher
I have found a role model among OII staff or faculty
3) Please rank the top 5 areas of the Social Sciences Division whose internal representativeness you think should be increased at the OII, in comparison with other areas represented at the OII. Number "1" is the most important reason. Please factor in your original expectations when applying for the OII.
Environmental Studies
International Development
International Relations
Quantitative Finance
Regional Studies (Oriental, Latin American etc)
Socio-Legal Studies
Social Policy
4) Which (max. 5) areas of research from other Divisions of the University of Oxford would you like to see better represented at the OII, in comparison to other areas represented at the OII? Number "1" is the most important reason.
Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Engineering Science
English Language and Literature
Fine Arts
Life Sciences
Linguistics and Philology
Medical Sciences (Biochemistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Experimental Psychology,Human Genetics, Molecular Oncology, Neurology, Paediatrics etc)
Plant Sciences
5) Do your current perceptions about the OII equal the expectations you had when applying for the DPhil?
5a) If you have marked one of the two last alternatives in question 5, what were the driving factors of a negative surprise? Please mark in order of correlation, assigning the lowest number ("1") to that which you consider the most correlated, and the highest number to that which you consider the least correlated. Leave in blank those that have not influenced your perceptions.
I thought there would be more or any research in my field, besides my own
I thought there would be more or any faculty in my field
I thought the OII would be more integrated to other departments in the University
I thought there would be more funding opportunities
I thought there would be more internal teaching assistance opportunities
I thought there would be more office space
7) Please rank the top reasons (max 5), which have been the most important factors for you in pursuing your DPhil at the OII. "1" is the most important reason.
The academic or professional opportunities the OII opens to me
The academic or professional opportunities my research at the OII opens to me
The academic or professional opportunities the University of Oxford opens to me
Holding an OII degree
Holding an Oxford University degree
The current OII student body
The current OII faculty
Prior OII faculty
Other Oxford University faculty
8) How much do you agree with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The academic activity at the OII provides me with opportunities to write, present, and publish our or other joint work and build an academic track record, which will allow us to successfully enter the academic or another job market
Being at the OII opens doors to build or expand my network and gain wide exposure to projects and conferences from disciplines or fields other than my own
9) Should the OII be evaluated with a 5A* in the RAE2008, will this modify your perceptions about the Institute?
10) How crucial is OII funding (OII, OII/ESRC, OII/PGP etc) for your continuation in the DPhil programme?
11) Would you like to work or continue to work as a research assistant at the institute during your studies?
12) Are you currently carrying out paid work as a researcher / research assistant?
13) Would you like to teach during your studies?
14) Please describe other sources of concern or satisfaction you believe should be brought to the attention of the OII!

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