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Door 2: WOMEN
Think of the man you love the most. Do you think he would ever pee in the sink?
Very hard to believe.
Maybe when he was younger and stupider, but not now.
He might.
Think of the man you love the most. Do you think he would ever use Internet porn for sexual arousal and relief?
Very hard to believe.
Maybe sometimes.
Sure, he might.
Think of the man you love the most. Would he ever wear the same underwear two days in a row?
Maybe, but rarely.
Maybe, but only under emergency circumstances.
Sure, he might.
Think of the man you love the most. If the circumstances were such that his significant other would never find out, might he cheat in a one-night stand in a faraway place?
Possibly, though I doubt it.
Yes, he might.
Have you ever touched a nine volt battery to your tongue just to see what it felt like?
Have you ever eaten food while seated on the toilet for serious business?
This week's survey brought to you by Darwin.
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