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Which of the following views -- publicly advocated by me – are wrong? (Mark only those you DISAGREE with. Choose as many as applicable.)
In parallel parking, it is not wrong to tap another person's bumper when easing into a spot.
The dark meat of turkey is tastier than the white meat.
Abortion very early in a pregnancy -- say, in the first five weeks -- should not carry with it a significant moral burden.
Milk chocolate is lot better than dark chocolate.
The tail of a lobster is not as tasty as the elbows and/or claws.
Because Sarah Palin is manifestly unready to be president, it is unpatriotic to vote for that ticket even if you are a Republican.
The state of marriage in and of itself isn't very important or necessary. It becomes important and necessary only when you have a child.
Contrary to popular belief, the quality of humor is objective. In general, something is either funny or not funny, and may be convincingly rated by someone with a good sense of humor.
The human being is very sophisticated, very complex, absolutely amazing, but a machine. Through some machine-like mechanism we do not understand, we have consciousness, and free will, and personality, but we have no souls. When life ends, that's it.
There's no God, at least not in a way that is generally contemplated by any major religion.
Fully or mostly reclining one's seat in the coach section of an airplane, assuming there is someone behind you, is simply rude. It should be discouraged or prohibited by the airlines.
Someone who has an elaborate wedding that causes significant financial hardship for them or their parents, is kind of a self-absorbed jerk.
Whatever you think of his singing, it's pretty clear that Bob Dylan is the greatest songwriter of the rock era.
Aside from how and with whom they have sex, gay people are EXACTLY like everyone else. Same abilities, same range of behaviors, same strengths and weaknesses, same range of moralities, etc.
Cilantro has an absolutely disgusting flavor.
It is perfectly all right, and perhaps desirable, to swear colorfully in front of one's children.
One owes it to one's spouse to remain reasonably attractive; getting really fat after marriage is wrong.
It's wussy not to at least try unusual foods -- say, fish eye stew -- if it is actually a delicacy somewhere in the world.

How many of the above statements did you check, meaning you disagreed with them?
This week's survey brought to you in the spirit of self-flagellation.
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