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Door 1: 36 and YOUNGER
How much money in investment savings would you estimate you personally have lost since the start of 2008, because of the financial crisis?
Under $5,000
Between $5,000 and $20,000
Between $21,000 and $50,000
Between $51,000 and $100,000
Between $100,000 and $200,000
Between $200,000 and $500,000
Over $500,000
I don't know, won't look and don't want to guess.
Have you made any financial moves in the last two months to protect your assets/reduce your risk?
Of these groups whom do you MOST blame for this crisis? Choose NO MORE THAN TWO.
Bankers/mortgage lenders
Democratic politicians
Republican politicians
I don't really blame anyone. This is essentially a gigantic market correction.

Of the following, which is the most likely to help bring an end to the financial crisis and turn the economy around? (Choose only ONE answer.)
Slashing the Federal budget, particularly defense.
Bailing out homeowners, not investment banks.
WAY more regulation.
Slashing taxes.
Raising taxes.
What is your best guess for what lies ahead?
Full-blown global Depression.
A long, difficult recession.
A short, bearable recession.
I'm pretty optimistic this will turn around quickly.
This week's survey brought to you by my 2 cents.
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