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Door 1: I am 35 or older...

Describe your ordinary diet:
I'm a vegan. I eat only vegetables and vegetable products.
I'm a vegetarian. I eat only vegetables, vegetable products, dairy and eggs.
I'll eat fish and/or seafood, but no other meat.
I'll eat some meats.
I'll eat almost all meats.

How do you feel about eating animals?
I don't do it at all, mostly because I think it is unhealthy.
I don't do it at all, mostly because I think it is cruel.
I do it, but I have some real guilt about it.
I do it, with mild reservations.
I do it with no reservations.
Vegans and vegetarians, you're done. Thank you. See you in the chat. The remaining questions don't apply to you.

Other than "because they taste good," which we will stipulate, which statement or statements BEST summarize why you eat animals? (Choose up to three answers)
I've never thought about it or I prefer not to think about it.
Animals are bred to be eaten; chickens, cows, and pigs wouldn't even be alive except for that purpose.
Religion condones it; humans are supposed to have dominion over animals, including their slaughter.
Humans are omnivores; it's in our genes to eat animals, and their meat makes us healthy and strong.
Farmed animals have much lower intelligence than, say, dogs and cats.
I don't think, by and large, that farmed animals are treated all that badly.


On a scale of one to five, what do you think are the chances that you might become a vegetarian in the next few years? (One means it's just not going to happen, five means it is likely to happen.)

Which of these expressions do you think best describes anti-meat advocates, such as members of PETA?
Principled and admirable.
Principled but sanctimonious.
Obnoxious and needlessly confrontational.
Comically bleeding heart.
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