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How much has your state of mind changed because of 9/11? Choose the best answer.
Hardly at all, beyond annoyances in air travel and such; I don't have any particularly heightened sense of anxiety, personal connection to the war, etc.
Significantly. I am more anxious about the state of the world, and/or more personally pessimistic, and it affects my everyday living to a tangible extent.
Everything's worse; I worry that nothing will ever be the same.

Beyond your grief, how would you feel if you had a brother or sister or a son or a daughter who died in the Iraq conflict?
Proud that he or she had died bravely fighting a worthwhile cause.
Proud that he or she had died bravely fighting in a worthwhile cause -- but I fear it would be mostly self-delusion, to maintain my sanity or dispel destructive anger or bitterness.
Angry and/or bitter mostly because this is an unnecessary or counterproductive war.
Angry and/or bitter mostly because this is a mismanaged war.

Right now, do you feel proud to be an American?
I'm not sure.

What do you think are the chances that in 50 years George W. Bush will be seen by historians in a mostly favorable light?
Highly unlikely to impossible.
Highly likely

What words best describe how you feel about Osama bin Laden and the people who perpetrated 9/11?
Disgust and contempt.
Disgust and awe.
Disgust and grudging admiration.
Not disgust, exactly; however savage their methods, they are successful players in a complex geopolitical war.
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