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Door 1: Women

You used to be a man. Sexual reassignment has rendered you externally a woman with normal looking, normally functioning genitalia. You are going to have sex with a certain man for the first time. He does not know your history. Should you tell him before you sleep with him? Choose the best answer.
Yes, you are ethically and/or morally obliged to tell him.
Yes, it's the nicer thing to do and may avoid problems later.
No, no need to.
No, it would actually be a betrayal of your new self to tell him.

You went to college but flunked out during your senior year. Several years later, you apply for a job in an industry where a college degree is required or presumed. On your resume, under "Education," you say, truthfully if incompletely, "New York University, 1988-1992." You are hired; no one ever asked if you had a degree. Have you done anything wrong?

You have to hire an employee; the choice is yours entirely. It comes down to two people whose skill sets and background are just about identical, with equally pleasant personalities, but one is quite good looking and one is rather homely. You choose the better-looking person for that reason alone. You have no designs on this person; you'd just rather look at him or her all day. Have you done anything wrong?
Yes, you have. No two people are exactly equally qualified. You should have forced yourself to ignore appearance and to find some discernible work-related difference between them.
No, you have done nothing wrong.

Your name is Stanley Isadore Goldenfarb, or, if you are a woman, it is Hadassah Rebeccah Finkelstein. You feel it is "too Jewish," so you change it to Charles McArthur Richmond, or, if you are a woman, to Kathleen Virginia Richmond. Have you done anything distasteful or wrong?
Yes. You are repudiating your heritage and, perversely, contributing to anti-Semitism. You should not have changed your name.
Yes. I see your point, but you could have changed your name in a less heritage-dissing way. What's wrong with Stephen I. Gold or Hannah R. Feld?
No. You have done nothing distasteful or wrong.

You and your spouse keep separate bank accounts and file your taxes separately. You are aware that for many years, he or she has been cheating the government; maybe it's tax fraud, maybe it's short of tax fraud, but there's lots of uncollected taxes involved. Your spouse did this against your advice and over your objections. Eventually, unrelatedly, you divorce. It's acrimonious. You feel your spouse treated you very unfairly.

Afterward, you call the IRS. Your ex is screwed.

Did you do wrong?

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