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In The Gene Pool last week, many readers strongly criticized Gene, sometimes in extremely personal terms. For this reason and others, we thought this would be a good time to let you all express pent-up negative feelings about Gene. Ignore anything positive you might feel. Discuss his flaws, even if they are minor. Please try to find a real answer to each question.

Which is the thing that MOST makes Gene physically unattractive?

Those jowls
Really bad hair
The way he dresses and carries himself
That mustache
That voice
What is Gene's biggest weakness as a humor columnist? (Choose the best answer.)
His columns tend to strain to be funny.
His columns tend to be needlessly hostile.
His columns tend to be filled with tired old constructs and other derivative setups.
His columns tend to be poorly written and overly wordy.
What are the central weaknesses of Gene's long-form stories?
They are too long, and therefore, tend to be boring.
They are show-offy, needlessly filled with too many big words.
They are phony, pretending to great insights that aren't really carried through.
They are basically overrated by others, which is annoying.
What do you think of Gene as a person, based on the opinions he has expressed and the attitudes he has taken in both his columns and his chats? (Choose no more than four.)
I think he is full of himself.
I think he is an unattractively biased person, particularly as it regards body image, gender roles, etc.
I think he is an unattractively biased person, particularly as it regards politics / religion.
I think he is an unattractively biased person, particularly as it regards the perception of what is funny or clever.
I think he is rude, either through how he responds to people, or in not responding to people at all.
I think he is arrogant -- far too willing to take absolute positions on issues that are, by their nature, subjective.
I think he is sophomoric, and at times pointlessly vulgar.
I think he is dishonest, in that he takes positions he knows are wrong or exaggerated simply to be provocative.
I think he is haughty, in that he is unwilling to admit error.

Which word do you think LEAST describes Gene's work in general? (Choose the best answer.)
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