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Here is this year's Pulitzer Prize-winning spot-news photograph by Andrees Latif of Reuters. It shows a Japanese videographer who has just been mortally wounded by a police officer while covering a street demonstration in Myanmar.

Here is a runner-up for the same prize. It was taken by Mahmud Hams of Agence France-Presse. It is the moment before an Israeli rocket falls on Palestinian villagers in a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. (And here is Hams's photo from an instant later.)

Which of these photos is better?
Latif's photo of the Myanmar killing.
Hams's photo of the rocket attack.
I'm not sure.
Here are four more Pulitzer spot-news photo winners from the last 20 years:

By Oded Balilty of the AP, for a photo of a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank.

By Alan Diaz of the AP, for a photo capturing the moment that Elian Gonzalez was rescued.

By Annie Wells of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, for a photo of a girl being rescued from floodwaters.

By Charles Porter IV, for this photograph of a firefighter carrying a dying two-year-old girl from the site of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Which of these four photographs is the best?
Balilty's photo, from the West Bank.
Diaz's photo, on Elian Gonzalez.
Wells's photo, on the flood.
Porter's photo, on Oklahoma City.
I'm not sure.
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