Sponsored by : Spiru Haret University - Campus Bucuresti - QuestionPro Academic Sponsorship Programme
Questions marked with a * are required
* How did you learn of our conference?
Through the media (newspaper, magazine, trade journal, billboards, etc)
Organizers network
MailChimp invitation
Through a friend/colleague
On the internet
* Why did you attend our event? Select all that apply.
Interest in event topic
To support the organization
For networking
You know the organizers or participants

* What is your level of satisfaction with the event?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Please indicate the importance of the following.
Very Unimportant Somewhat Unimportant Neutral Somewhat Important Very Important
Prestige of the organizers
Profile of other attendees
Ease access/flight
Lenght of the event
How likely are you to attend this event again?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Somewhat Unlikely
Very Unlikely
How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Somewhat Unlikely
Very Unlikely
Your country of residence is.. ?

Do you have any suggestions for improving the events that we offer?