Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey

Open Doors Open Minds Survey for Staff, Members, or Volunteers of Community groups or organisations

This survey is for for Staff, Members, or Volunteers of Community groups or organisations. If you are an individual with a disability or care for an individual with a disability please fill out the survey specifically designed for you here.



Rebus is a company comprised of people with and without disabilities that uses theatre to address social issues. Open Doors Open Minds is a community education project designed to assist community organisations to become more accessible and inclusive to people with all kinds of disability,including mental ill-health. 


Rebus Theatre will develop an interactive theatre performance about where things can go wrong when people with disabilities want to join, participate in or use the services of community organisations. This show will then be performed in different venues around Canberra as a way of holding a dialogue about how community organisations and people with disabilities can work together to improve access and inclusion.


By ‘community organisations’ we mean everything from completely informal groups like book clubs, through to sporting organisations, arts and cultural organisations, faith groups, and large funded organisations like Belconnen Community Service or Communities@Work. 

This performance will be used to help community organisation staff, members and volunteers make their organisations more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities.


Todo this we need to hear real life stories from staff, members and volunteers from community groups and organisations about challenges you have faced engaging people with disabilities, or barriers you may perceive as having prevented you from doing so.

 -Physical barriers - like steps, accessibility 

 -Attitudes of staff, volunteers or members of your organisation, 

 -Processes such as ways of marketing to people with a Disability

We are also interested in hearing success stories about engagement with people with a disability.  


These stories will be read by the staff and actors of Rebus Theatre and will be used for inspiration in the development of the performance, however no identifying details will be used in performance, the text you provide will never be made public in any way, and will be treated as confidential.

Some people who provide stories will also be asked to participate in a one-day workshop to further assist the company in developing the performance. Each workshop participant (or their organisation) will receive $100.

There will then be 10 performances of this interactive theatre piece in different locations across Canberra in which audiences comprised of people withDisabilities, and staff, volunteers or members of community groups or organisations can work together to find solutions to these barriers.


NB: We are only seeking stories from People with Disabilities in Australia accessing services in Australia.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Robin Davidson at 0403 815 784 or by email at [email protected].

This project is funded by the Australian Federal Government National DisabilityInsurance Agency's Information, Linkages and Capacity Building program. 

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey below.


First Name (optional) : 
Last Name : 
Email Address : 
* Q2 What type of Community Group or Organisation do you work/volunteer for? (No need to name the organisation however any extra details on the types of activities or services your organisation would be useful) 
Sporting, Health and Wellbeing
Arts and Cultural
Community Services
* Q3 Does your community group or organisation engage with People with a Disability or has it in the past?
I don't know
* Q4 What age ranges are the People with with a Disability your organisation engages with?
We don't engage with anyone yet
No specific age range

* Q5 Check the options that most applies to the People with a Disability you engage with (optional):
Has an Intellectual Disability
Has a Physical or Mobility related Disability
Has a Sensory Disability
Has a Mental Health related Disability
We don't engage with anyone yet
No specific type of Disability

If you answered YES to Question 3:

Please write in your own words, including whatever details you think are important, your story about the challenges your community organisation has faced engaging People with a Disability in 300 words or less.

If you answered NO to Question 3:

Please write in your own words, including whatever details you think are important, your thoughts on the challenges or barriers you see as having contributed to preventing engagement with People with a Disability in less that 300 words.


Rebus - Open Doors Open Minds 
Supported by the NDIS Information Linkages and Capacity Building Program