MRSA Questionnaire - Dashboard
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06/03/2008 5983183 Ashland
06/03/2008 5983174 Monroe
06/03/2008 5980515 Martinez
06/03/2008 5977113 Bangalore
06/03/2008 5976108 Sweeny
06/03/2008 5975848 pleasanton
06/03/2008 5975078 Brighton
06/03/2008 5975042 New Delhi and Bangalore
06/03/2008 5975031 Taveuni
06/03/2008 5974405 houston
If yes, where?
06/03/2008 5977113 legs
06/02/2008 5972555 armpit
06/02/2008 5971232 kneecap
06/02/2008 5969675 STOMACH
06/02/2008 5967493 elbow
06/01/2008 5962043 under arm
05/31/2008 5953724 butt cheek
05/30/2008 5949579 It was on the bottom of an abdominal incision from a surgical procedure.
05/30/2008 5942767 This episode started as a saddle sore that didn't break the surface. I have had previous boils from horseback riding. However, there was a large lump under my skin near the boil site that lingered for several weeks prior to the boil appearing that has also disappeared after treatment for the boil.
05/28/2008 5917957 vagina
If yes, where exactly did you travel to? (Please tell us the country and city names)
06/03/2008 5980515 pollock pines
06/03/2008 5974405 mexico
06/02/2008 5972379 St. Albans, WV
06/02/2008 5971232 Pensacola, New York, Vermont,
06/02/2008 5970974 honduras
06/02/2008 5969704 Barcelona, Spain
06/02/2008 5967493 india nepal australia
06/02/2008 5966049 Las Vegas
06/01/2008 5958917 califprnia
06/01/2008 5958667 maryland
If yes, what was your condition? (Examples: flu, bacterial infection, sinus infection, cough, bronchitis, etc.)
06/03/2008 5983183 flu and sinus
06/03/2008 5983174 Sinus Infection, cough
06/03/2008 5975042 I had a little fever.
06/02/2008 5969999 strep
06/02/2008 5969704 sore throat - viral infection
06/02/2008 5968600 yeast infection
06/02/2008 5967493 on heavy antibiotics
06/02/2008 5964771 flu or flu like symptoms
06/01/2008 5962431 genital warts
06/01/2008 5959780 lupus
Anything else you would like to add about your condition?
06/03/2008 5983183 The boils first appeared on my breast, followed by one on my face, then a stye near my eye and many more boils on my breast began erupting in clusters before I realized this was out of control with an underlying cause. I went on antibiotics for ten still not healed and taking silver and oregano oil. In the meantime Husband broke out in shingles which then became infected and he is now on antibiotics also. It feels like it will never end...just disgusting and very scary.
06/03/2008 5980515 painful on butt
06/03/2008 5975042 Well it's happening to me 3rd time and almost after every 7-9 years. This time they didn't popped in whole body @ one shot but slowly they are popping and then going. Last time i had, they were all over on my body, then i took some homeopathy medicines which affect fast. This time i m also taking it but effect is not so fast.
06/03/2008 5975031 only that since that time, i have gotten two more boils. So, total of 3 boils in one year. a neighbor has gotten his first boil two weeks ago. One family is always having boils. any non-answers of mine are because i can't remember so means i dont know.
06/02/2008 5971097 it is now appearig every 2 weeks having to go to md for incision antibiotics are useless, so are soaps now trying a vitamin regime
06/02/2008 5969999 I had a sore finger that would not heal, strep throat, and a boil around the same time. Saw a NP and took culture for mrsa, came back negative.
06/02/2008 5964771 I have been to a dermatologist and have taken antibiotics but have not had boils diagnosed. The antibiotics cleared them up and doctor said keep eye out for reaccurance but never gave me answer as to what they are. Three weeks off antibiotics and boils are returning. Will be making an appt. for more direct answers.
06/02/2008 5964582 my upper arm is swallen
06/02/2008 5964373 I had a series of boils within a couple of months. The first appeared on the top of my hand just above the wrist the second on the outside of my lower leg after a knock the third on the inside of my bicep and the fourth on the ouside of my breast. I suffer from lymphedema.
06/01/2008 5963220 the area appeared after shaving upper thigh area. THough I have stopped sharing the razor, keep it in a closed container after it dries, I still get the little suckers