
“One Community Trail” Feasibility Study - Survey

The City of Jacksonville, in partnership with NCDOT, is seeking community input for improving multimodal conditions along several roadways near the Western Boulevard/Marine Boulevard vicinity within Jacksonville, NC. 

The “One Community Trail” project will enhance the mobility network and improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users. Your perspective is a valuable resource in developing a more friendly transportation environment for all users, and is completely voluntary. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Demographic and location questions are used to verify outreach is representative of the area population. 

For more information on the plan contact Stephanie Kutz, skutz@jacksonvillenc.gov. Thank you very much for your time and support. 
This survey should take you less than 10-minutes to complete. 

Please click the NEXT button below.
The project area includes 15 miles of sidepaths along several roadways in the vicinity of Western Boulevard, Hargett Street, and Country Club Road. We are calling it the “One Community Trail” network. 

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