Leadership Interest and Qualification Survey

Thank you for considering a leadership position in SAVMA. Serving as a Director on the Board or as a Member on a Committee will provide you opportunity for professional development, further build your connections with volunteer management peers, expand your community connections and enhance your skills and résumé. This survey will ask you a series of questions about your ability and capacity to serve in a leadership position for the next two (2) years (we like to plan for two). 
Contact Information
For which position are you applying? (review SAVMA Leadership page for vacancies)
Please tell us, in the third person, why you are passionate about volunteer engagement and volunteer program management:  
Please tell us, in the third person, what personal and professional experiences in your background will benefit SAVMA the most: (we appreciate brief answers that highlight your relevant experience). 
Do you have experience serving on a governance board?
Do you have experience Chairing a committee or event?
Do you have experience serving on a professional industry committee where goals were set, achieved and evaluated? (ie for a charity, faith group, neighborhood association, or trade association)
What are your other obligations currently?
Do you see any potential conflicts personally or professionally?
Please rank (1-4) the following in order of interest:
Governance and Administration
Programs and Events
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