
BAC | Business Equity Micro-Grant Application

Questions marked with a * are required
The Black Advancement Coalition (BAC) created the Business Equity Micro-Grant to support young Black entrepreneurs looking to either launch a new business/organization, or build their existing business/organization.

BAC will award grantees up to $400 to either:
1) Officially file a new business/organization in their state of residency or
2) Invest in materials necessary to build their current brand.

A  complete proposal must include the information requested in the following sections.  BAC reviews all grant proposals to ensure that the purpose of the grant and the  organization's charitable programs are consistent with the mission and goals of BAC. Black Advancement Coalition may deny a grant proposal if the organization does not meet the criteria for approval. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.  

We will contact you within 2 weeks for a follow up conversation to learn more about your business plan.  This conversation must take place before any grant can be awarded.

Please submit any questions by email to info@blackadvancementcoalition.org.
Please provide your contact information:
Are you 18 years or older?
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