
2022 Winter BV PTA Afterschool Enrichment Survey

Please choose the Afterschool Enrichment Course you are evaluating (You can only choose one, please fill out this survey for each course):
What Grade is your Child In?
What is your level of satisfaction of this class in meeting the following:
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Afterschool Class Topic
Promoted social & emotional development
Promoted physical development
Promoted academic development
Provided a safe and supportive environment
Communication from Vendor
Overall Rating of Afterschool Course
How likely are you to enroll your child in this afterschool enrichment course again?
How likely are you to recommend this afterschool enrichment course to another parent?
Do you have any suggestions or comments about this course?
Are there any suggestions or comments your student wants to add about this course?
Do you have any overall suggestions or comments about the BV PTA Afterschool Enrichment Program?
Create Your First Online Survey