Exit Survey
Which, if any, of Apple's iPhones have you personally owned in the last 5 years?
iPhone 4/4S
iPhone 5C
iPhone 5/5S
iPhone 6/6+/6S
None of the Above
All of the Above

Which of these iPhone, if any, is currently being used as your personal cellphone?
iPhone 4/4S
iPhone 5C
iPhone 5/5S
iPhone 6/6S
iPhone 6/6S Plus
None of the Above
Which screen size do you prefer on your iPhone/smartphone?
4 in. (iPhone 5/5S/5C)
4.7 in. (iPhone 6/6S)
5.5 in. (iPhone 6/6S Plus)
No Preference

Below, please describe two things that you like/dislike about your previous/current iPhone.
Which of the following non-iPhone smartphones, if any, have you owned?
Samsung Galaxy series
Google Nexus series
HTC M series
Blackberry Passport
None of the Above
Below, please describe two things that you like/dislike about your previous/current non-iPhone smartphone.
Please rank these smartphone features from most important to least important:
Aesthetics (Looks)
App Library
Connectivity (Use with multiple external devices)
Ease of Use
Memory Capacity
Processor/RAM (speed)
Screen Size
Which app on your smartphone is used the most frequent on a day-to-day basis?
Which of these cell phone companies are you most likely to use an iPhone on?
What improvements, if any, would you make to the iPhone?