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Have you ever ordered Solomon or any Solomon modules from Resource Corporation?
Overall, how would you rate Resource Corporation as a company?
Not Sure
How satisfied are you with your service from Resource Corporation?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
Would you recommend Resource Corporation to anyone else?
Not Sure
If no, why not?
For your NEXT Solomon purchase, how likely are you to purchase from Resource Corporation?
Definitely would buy
Probably would buy
Might or might not buy
Probably would not buy
Definitely would not buy
Which of the following modes did you use to place the order for Solomon?
Mail order
Over the phone
What would you change about the process of purchasing Solomon (i.e. placing the order, mode of payment, delivery etc) from Resource Corporation?
Are there any other comments you have for Resource Corporation?
Overall, I am very satisfied with the way The Resource Corporation performed (is performing) on this project.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree N/A
Resource Corp service representatives are well trained.
Resource Corp service representatives are well supervised.
Resource Corp service representatives adhere to professional standards of conduct.
Resource Corp service representatives act in my best interest.
Overall, I am satisfied with the Resource Corp service representatives.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The Resource Corp account manager is knowledgeable and professional.
I feel like I have a good personal relationship with the Resource Corp account manager.
The Resource Corp account manager is making a positive contribution to my business.
The Resource Corp account manager responds to my inquiries in a timely manner.
Overall, I am very satisfied with the Resource Corp account manager.
What would be the primary reason for being very satisfied with Resource Corp service representatives?
What would be the primary reason for being very satisfied with the Resource Corporation account manager?
Compared to how you felt about Resource Corporation before this project, what would you say is the likelihood of completing another project with Resource Corporation now?
Better, based on performance
About the same
Worse, based on performance
Not sure
Considering the overall value of the project you paid for, was it
An exceptional value, worth more than you paid for it
A good value, worth about what you paid for it
A poor value, worth less than you paid for it
Not sure
Thank you for completing our survey. If you have any other comments for Resource Corp please enter them below.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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