
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. The survey will take about 5 minutes. The responses from this survey will be used to improve the functionality of Ernest Jones' website. In addition, detailed comments and suggestions on how they can improve the site.
How often you visit Ernest Jones website?

Once a week
Once in two weeks
Once a month
When you visit the site, are you using the computer from

Home (including a home office)
Equally from the home and office

Why do you visit the website?
(please check all that apply)?
Looking for general information
Looking for rules/regulations
Browsing products
Looking for promotional offers
looking for news
looking for contact information
research for work/ school

Would you say their website is?
Very attractive
Somewhat attractive
Not very attractive
Not attractive at all
How much effort did you have to take to find their website?

A lot less than I expected
Less than I expected
About what I expected
More than I expected
A lot more than I expected
From what you have seen and your experience with other sites, please rate the following features of the web page:
Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Not sure
Visual appearance/layout:
Writing style:
From your experience, what do you find to be the biggest challenge with using their website?

I am new to the Internet
Information I am looking is not available
Information is not well organized
There is just too much information
Hard to navigate through the information
Takes too long to load a page
Other (please specify)

Did the menu of items on the home page make sense to you?

How did you hear about the Website?

Ernest Jones staff
newsletters/ catalogues
Media (newspaper, radio, TV)
Associate/ friend
Followed link from another webpage
Search engine
Other (Please Specify)


Do you think Ernest Jones should start trading online?


If they do start trading online, would you prefer to..
Purchase online
Purchase in store

What suggestions would you make in order to help Ernest Jones expand or improve their site. What additional information or features would you like to see added to the site?
Please contact [email protected] or click here if you have any questions regarding this survey.