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I have created a survey in order to gain feedback on the monthly team meetings and if they are beneficial to you and your business.

The team meetings are designed specifically for you in mind in order to help you better your business by learning more about the company, product and promotions. It is also a chance for you to get recognized for your achievements and set your goals.

A lot of personal time and money go into these meetings and I would like to make sure your needs are being met. If they are not being met, I would like to learn what could be done at the meetings to make them better and more attractive for you and your teams to attend.

So, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide as much honest feedback as possible.

The survey is anonymous.

I thank you in advance for your time,

Tiffany Maierle


[email protected]


How beneficial to you and your business are the monthly team meetings?
Very Beneficial! I get a ton of information from them
Somewhat Beneficial - I take home a few good ideas
Not Beneficial - I go if I can but don't make it a priority
I don't attend the monthly team meetings
Please tell:
1) Why you don't attend the team meetings
2) What would need to be done in order for you to attend.
(Remember, this is an anonymous survey and I would really appreciate your feedback and honesty so I can better the team meeting for everyone now and in the future.)

How satisfied are you with the level and amount of education you receive at the team meetings in order to help your TBSAH business.
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Not at all Satisfied
Please tell what you would like to see improved in this area

Please rank the team meeting parts in order of your favorites. (1 being your most favorite part of the meeting)
Networking with other Consultants outside of the scheduled meeting
Education on featured topics
Education from other Consultants during the meeting
Updates on company promotions or specials

If we were to move the team meetings, rank the order in which you would like to see the meeting held at. (1 being your first choice)
I don't want to move, I like the Comfort Inn
Roadhouse (between 4 corners and Gallatin Gateway)
McKenzie River in Belgrade
River Rock Community Center
Do you have any other suggestions for places to hold the monthly team meetings?
If the team meetings are held at a location that charges a fee, how much are you willing to pay each month to attend the meetings?

How would you be willing to help out at future meetings? (Check all that apply)
Lead a Roundtable discussion
Tell your TBSAH story
Lead an educational topic discussion
Donate items for the raffle
Make reminder calls about the team meeting
Provide a product display
Bring a snack
Research and share information on your favorite product

Is there any other feedback or anything else about the monthly team meetings that you would like to share?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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