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In an effort to get your input regarding how the tour guide program is going and what we might conisder for changes, we are asking you to fill out this confidential survey. Please take a few moments to complete this form. Your responses are anonymous unless you choose otherwise. Thank you!


How often do you read your e-mail?
Daily Couple of Times a Day Rarely

Do you prefer to receive information about upcoming tours and meetings via e-mail?
Yes No
If "No", how would you prefer to be told about this information?

Do you feel the information about tours sent to you is clear, concise, and timely?
Yes No
If "No", what suggestions do you have to make it more clear, concise, and/or timely?

How much tour guide email do you receive?
Too Much Just Right Too Little
What can be improved to make sure you are receiving an appropriate amount of email?


Were your Tour Guide Training Sessions adequate?
Training was too long (I already knew most of the info)
Training was not long enough, I needed more sessions
Training was just right
If you could change anything about your Tour Guide Training - what would it be?

Was having a Mentor helpful for you when you first started as a Tour Guide?
Yes No
What things did you use your mentor for?

To be the best tour guide you can be, what aspects of tour guide training can we improve?
More time on effective delivery (public speaking, projecting voice, etc)
More info on the campus (buildings, history, facts, stats, etc)
More time with my mentor
More time co-touring
More time on commonly asked or tough questions
How to make my tour fun


What can Jackie and/or Diane do better in their roles?
How can Jackie and/or Diane better communicate with you regarding tours, sign-ups, discipline, etc?

Does Jackie handle disciplinary issues appropriately and effectively?
Yes No Not Applicable
If no, please explain:


Do you call to check-in for your tours?
Always Usually Rarely Never

Are you able to get through on the phone to the Bowman House to "check-in"?
Yes No

How many tours per week do you give?
Too Many Just Right Too Few
Do you have any suggestions or changes you would like to see made to the tour route (i.e. show different buildings, take a different path)?

When you receive an email asking you to sign up for extra tours, why might you not reply? (Select all that apply)
I almost always reply if I'm available
Someone else will surely do it
I don't think I should have to give so many extra tours (please explain in next question)
I am never available at those times
I don't like to give Special Group Visit tours (please explain in next question)
I don't like to give tours on program days (please explain in next question)

Please provide explanations here:

Would it be easier for you to give extra tours if they were at times other than regularly scheduled tour times (i.e. at 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, etc.)?
Yes No

Lunch Hosting: How often do you sit and eat with families during lunch hosting?
I've Never Lunch Hosted (skip the next question)

If you don't always sit and eat with families, why not? Check all that apply:
Not a seat available for me with families
Don't want to intrude on families
Don't like sitting with families; it's uncomfortable
I prefer to sit with other tour guides - since I know them
No one will know if I don't
I eat alone and make myself available to be seen by families
I didn't think it was required to sit with families during lunch hosting

What is the most common question(s) you get on your tours?
What question or type of question do you get on tours that is the most "uncomfortable" or the hardest to answer?

How difficult is it for you to end your tours "On time"?
Very Difficult
Somewhat Difficult
Not At all Difficult
What do you cut from your tour when your tour is "running late"?

Do Admission Counselors usually end their GIS's on time, so that your tour can leave on time?
Yes, Always
Most of the Time
Some of the Time
If answered "Some of the Time" or "Rarely", please indicate which counselor(s) frequently makes your tours start late.

If the Admission Counselor went long on their GIS, are they understanding if you arrive late from the tour?


What do you think about the frequency of Tour Guide meetings?
Ok Too Many Too Few

Is Sunday night OK for meetings?
Yes No
If "No", then what night or what time on Sunday would be better for you?

Do you think meetings are too long?
Yes No
If "Yes", how can the meetings be shortened?

Do you think that training sessions at meetings are helpful and/or fun?
Yes No Sometimes
What could be changed to make training more helpful?

Would it be helpful to have a tour guide retreat on a Sunday in August or September: we would spend 5-7 hours outside, having fun, team building, but also reviewing new changes?
Yes No
Provide comments on the retreat idea:


Who can you approach with issues about a tour or your job?
Diane Jackie Both
If not "Both", then what would ease your comfort?

Once you became a tour guide, did you discover anything about the position that you weren't expecting?
Yes No
If "Yes", how is the position different from the position you though you were applying for?
What do you like most about your job?
What do you like least about your job?
How important is recognition to you?

Of the incentives that we offer you, which ones most motivate you? Pleas rank from 1 to 5 (1 for the incentive that motivates you most, 5 for the incentive that motivates you least)
I get paid
I get a silver star if someone see me doing something above and beyond
Tour guide of the month certificate and prize
Door prizes at tour guide meetings
Prizes for signing up for tours
What types of recognition or incentives would motivate you more than the ones listed above?

Is the level of authority by the TG Assistant Coordinator (Diane) appropriate?
Yes No
Comments on TG Assistant Coordinator authority?

Are the TG Asst. Coordinator's (Diane) interactions with you appropriate?
Yes No
Comments on TG Asst. Coordinator's interactions with you?

Does the TG Asst. Coordinator (Diane) show the following traits (Check all that apply):


Is the 3 Strikes/You're Out disciplinary policy fair?
Yes No
If you think the 3 Strikes/You're Out policy is unfair, please explain:
Any other general comments about how we can improve the Tour Guide program, tours, or communication with you?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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