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Are you:
Did you receive this product as a gift?
How did you first discover this product was available for purchase?
Advertising - TV, newspaper, magazine, radio
Ad in another (product) - brochure, preview
Friends/Family/Someone told me about it
Read a magazine article/review
Saw it in the store/Browsing in store
Through the mail/mail catalog
What is the one reason you purchased this (product)?
Someone asked for it
Makes a great gift
Own other (products) and wanted more
It is a classic
Good for the whole family
Saw it in the store
I like the (product)
Price/Good value
Primarily, for whom was this product purchased?
Male Female
2 yrs. or younger
3-5 yrs.
6-8 yrs.
9-12 yrs.
13-17 yrs.
18-24 yrs.
25-34 yrs.
35-44 yrs.
45-54 yrs.
55+ yrs.
Your age:
12 yrs. or younger
13-17 yrs.
18-24 yrs.
25-34 yrs.
35-44 yrs.
45-54 yrs.
55-64 yrs.
65+ yrs.
What are the ages of the children in your household? (Check all that apply)
Boys Girls
Under 6 mos.
6-11 mos.
1 yr.
2 yrs.
3 yrs.
4 yrs.
5 yrs.
6 yrs.
7 yrs.
8 yrs.
13-17 yrs.
11 yrs.
12 yrs.
9 yrs.
10 yrs.
What is your annual household income?
Below $20,000
The following is a list of product and service items. How satisfied are you with on each item?
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable
Overall quality
Purchase experience
Installation or first use experience
Usage experience
After purchase service (warranty, repair, help desk)
How long have you used [PRODUCT]?
Less than 1 month
1 to 6 months
6 months to 1 year
1 to 2 years
2 years or more
Never used
How often do you use [PRODUCT]?

Once a week or more often
2 to 3 times a month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times a year
Once a year or less often
Do not use
Overall, how satisfied are you with [PRODUCT]?
Very Unsatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Extremely Satisfied
Will you use/purchase [PRODUCT] again?
Definitely will
Probably will
Might or might not
Probably will not
Definitely will not
Never used
Based on your experience with [PRODUCT], how likely are you to again buy a [Company Product]?

Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Very Likely
Extremely Likely
What would you like to tell [COMPANY] about your satisfaction with [PRODUCT] that was not already asked in the survey?
What would be your main reason for buying the product?
Overall, what would be your most important factors in choosing a [Product Category]? Please check three.

Best performance
Good repair/Warranty service
Recognized brand name
High quality
Shopping convenience
Easy/fast service
Good sales representative/dealer/owner
Broad selection of products
Do not know

Other than the product itself, which of the following would most influence you when deciding to buy a [Product]?
Commentary on the Internet/Web site
Sales/service representative
Industry publications
Trade shows/events
Guarantee/warranty offers
Please check the one box that best indicates how descriptive the statement is of you.
Just like me A lot like me Somewhat like me Not much like me Not at all like me
It is important to me to be treated well.
I like the "royal treatment" in stores
I have somewhat old-fashioned tastes and habits
I like my clothes to look up to date
I never have enough time to shop
I think I am a little bit wild
I think shopping is fun
I often buy things on impulse
I have lots of leisure time
I expect to have more money next year
Please check the one box that best indicates how descriptive the statement is of you.
Just like me A lot like me Somewhat like me Not much like me Not at all like me
My world seems to be coming apart at the seams
I think I am a smart shopper
I like to be outrageous
I feel I get a raw deal out of life
I think a woman's place is in the home
I prefer stores where prices are always low
I never seem to have enough money
I regularly read the newspaper
I have more money now than last year
When I shop, I just want to get it over with
What was the main reason you did not purchase (product)?
Already purchased a different product
No longer needed the product
Technical reason not use the product
Put off the purchase for a future time
Am still considering the product
Did anyone else influence your buying decision?
If yes, how was the influential person related to you and what did they say or do that influenced you?
Are any of the following reasons why you did not purchase the product?

Choose all that apply:
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
Reason 4
Reason 5
Reason 6
Reason 7
Reason 8
Reason 9

If you answered "Other," please describe the reason you did not purchase.
What is it that you like most about the [Product/Service]?
What do you like least about the [Product/Service]?
About what would you expect to pay for a new [Product/Service] like the one described? (Nearest dollar)
At what price would this new product begin to look inexpensive or cheap? Select one.
FMV + 30%
FMV + 20%
FMV + 10%
FMV + 5%
[Enter estimated FMV]
FMV - 5%
FMV - 10%
FMV - 20%
FMV - 30%
At what price would this new product begin to look inexpensive or cheap? Select one.
FMV + 30%
FMV + 20%
FMV + 10%
FMV + 5%
[Enter estimated FMV]
FMV - 5%
FMV - 10%
FMV - 20%
FMV - 30%
At what price would the product begin to look too expensive? Select one.
FMV + 30%
FMV + 20%
FMV + 10%
FMV + 5%
[Enter estimated FMV]
FMV - 5%
FMV - 10%
FMV - 20%
FMV - 30%
At what price would the product begin to look so expensive that you would never consider buying it?

FMV + 30%
FMV + 20%
FMV + 10%
FMV + 5%
[Enter estimated FMV]
FMV - 5%
FMV - 10%
FMV - 20%
FMV - 30%
If you knew that the average price of [Product/Service] was $[Enter Price], would you expect to pay more or less to buy the described product/service?
(20-30%) more
(5-10%) more
No more, no less
(5-10%) less
(20-30%) less
Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements.
Very Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Strongly Disagree
At the time of the purchase decision, I had little time to search for information.
There was a wide difference in performance between the available choices.
Because the product was being offered on sale for a limited time period, I felt I needed to purchase the item quickly.
If this product broke down I would feel that replacement or repair was a high priority.
My (our) budget was very tight at the time of the purchase.
I felt obligated to make a careful analysis of the alternatives before making a selection.
I have one or two favorite stores I shop in for this type of purchase.
I felt it was necessary to talk to a number of friends or because of my lack of knowledge and expertise about this product category.
I felt I would obtain a better deal on this item by shopping around and comparing prices.
I like to devote considerable time and energy when making a product choice such as this one.
Very Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Strongly Disagree
Selecting an appropriately styled model was very important to me.
I can make many connections or associations between the use of this product and experiences in my life.
I was very concerned about possible performance problems when searching for the item I purchased.
Using the product I purchased is one of the most enjoyable things I do.
I did not have any favorite brands in this search category before beginning my search.
I felt quite knowledgeable about this product category before I began shopping for it.
Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements.
Vey Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Strongly Disagree
There were wide price differences between available choices.
I received considerable pressure from other family members to purchase this item quickly.
This purchase was difficult because the items in this product category are so technologically complex.
This purchase was not planned, but the item caught my eye in the store and I decided to purchase it.
It was my task to make the product choice the right one.
The amount of money I could or would spend on this item was very limited.
I felt comfortable judging the differences between alternatives relatively well.
I generally make purchases of this kind at one particular store because I believe they offer the best values around.
I enjoyed shopping for this product.
I was very concerned about the economic consequences of making a poor or incorrect choice.
Vey Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Strongly Disagree
Generally I like to make purchases quickly without shopping around at different stores, because it just is not worth my effort.
I am concerned about my friends' approval of my choice.
Because of my lifestyle, I feel this is a product that ought to be important to me.
I was very concerned about my product choice because of the consequences of selecting an item that did not perform as I anticipated.
I believe I could be quite helpful to friends who are having difficulty making a selection in this product category.
I had a strong brand preference in this category because of my previous experience with some of these brands.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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