
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Project Description

The Perception of Industry on Key Performance Indicators of Academia Industry Collaboration

Project Abstract

The main purpose of this research is to help enlighten academia and the industry on the importance of having AIC. With this research, universities in particular need to take the first step to establish AIC so that it can boost the students� knowledge. Logically, creating advanced knowledge is the role of universities. Current investment in AIC by academia and industry is extremely inadequate in Malaysia. There are hardly any AIC to be taken example of, and even though there are, they are not known publicly. Malaysia is a country blessed with ample tertiary educational facilities. However, there seem to be almost no AIC happening among any of them. That is why many people labelled Malaysia as a country having first-world facilities but with third-world mentality. Only recently, the topic of having AIC is beginning to popup in the minds of Malaysians, yet there are too few of them to be counted for. Malaysia has to play catch-up with other developed countries who have established AIC since a century ago.

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