
Purdue University

Project Description

Measurement invariance of popular work-family conflict scales across gender

Project Abstract

Our proposed research study is intended to expand the measurement invariance analyses of commonly used WFC and WFF scales, using a full means and covariance structure invariance (MACS) framework. We plan to address some of the problems encountered in the Kokkinou et al. (under review) preliminary study by (1) including a variety of additional popular WFC and WFF items (Carlson et al., 2000; Frone et al., 1992; Grywacz & Marks, 2000; Kirchmeyer, 1992; Kopelman et al., 1983; Netemeyer et al., 1996; Wayne et al., 2004) and (2) requesting a single sample to respond to all the items, so that we can more clearly identify the relationship among the different WFC and WFF scales.

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