AI Predictions 2021
Data collected from 9 June to 17 June - in preparation for a NewMR Webinar
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6 min
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How many years have you worked in or with market research?
Which region best describes where you are currently based?
Which region best describes where you are currently based? - Text Data for Other

10 years from now - what percentage of the following do you think will be conducted by AI & Automation, rather than by people?
Online Discussion Moderation
Online Discussion Analysis
Questionnaire Writing
Survey Analysis
Quant Study Report Writing
Focus Group Moderation
Project design
Coding of open-ends from surveys
Qual Study Report Writing
Quant analytics, e.g. Regression or Cluster Analysis
What else would you like to tell us about AI, Automation, or this study? Note, we will be sharing the comments in the report, so please do not identify yourself or use words that might cause offence to other readers.