Parental relationships of college students - Dashboard
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Please explain your concept and definition of a parent.
11/13/2020 36573212 A parent is a caregiver of a child (biologically theirs or otherwise)
11/12/2020 36509558 Someone who births you, and/or raises you
11/12/2020 36498036 Someone who takes care of you and is accountable for you
11/12/2020 36414641 My concept and definition of a parent... This is something that i’ve never really thought of for one, my parents have been there for me damn near 99% of the time so i can’t fault them for doing so. But the definition of a parent, is being able to always be there for your child, you don’t have to be the super unrealistic parent or the unreasonable parent. I believe that as a parent you have duties that you have to fulfill for your child on a daily. Just by default. I mean that materialistic ally and need based, however you have to play that gray area role because your child will do what they want most of the time but other times they may need some advice on life scenarios. So as a parent you are a coach, therapist, killer, comedian, and so much more
11/12/2020 36414456 A person who supplies the emotional, mental, and physical need of a child/children.
11/11/2020 36413847 A person who is responsible and takes care of their offspring,
11/11/2020 36413019 Either someone who gave you life or someone who raised you
11/11/2020 36412819 A parent is someone who helps to raise you, to care for you, as well as love and support you.
11/10/2020 36365844 Someone who raises a child
11/10/2020 36365811 A parent is one of the people responsible for conceiving you, but not necessarily your guardian or someone who is present in your life.
What makes parental relationships positive?
11/13/2020 36573212 Healthy boundaries, effective communication, kindness
11/12/2020 36509558 Understanding between parent and child
11/12/2020 36498036 Good communication. Openness. Understanding.
11/12/2020 36414641 What makes a parents relationship positive is being able to interact with your child, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Your child is a piece of you and even though we may resemble and have certain traits from our family. Parents at all times need to understand when encouragement falls into criticism. That’s only one example but a positive parent is always there for their child, provides CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, advice and so much more.
11/12/2020 36414456 Communication, honesty, transparency, kindness, understanding, acceptance
11/11/2020 36413847 Good communication, respect, and love
11/11/2020 36413019 Communication, honesty, adequate space and trust
11/11/2020 36412819 Support, love, care, mutual respect, honesty, compassion
11/10/2020 36365844 Parents promoting positivity and listen to their children
11/10/2020 36365811 When parents make an effort to care for their children, to connect with their children, and to treat their children as valuable human beings.
What makes parental relationships negative?
11/13/2020 36573212 Harsh systems of punishment, lack of communication, generational abuse
11/12/2020 36509558 Controlling, gaslighting behavior, disconnect between parent and child
11/12/2020 36498036 Placing too many expectations on children. Parents not acting like actual adults.
11/12/2020 36414641 A parent can have a negative impact on their child by, not understanding your child, and not being there for your child, not only physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and strategically. There is a a lot that goes on in the 21st century, especially with children in the Generation Z era, with social media and stereotypes. A lot of people try to fit those or whatever, and mental health can be at jeopardy. Parents have to understand that, if you don’t understand or unable to talk to your child you need to reevaluate a lot that goes on in your house hold. Another thing is some parents tend to treat their children as slaves, and not able to connect to their children mentally and emotionally to be specific
11/12/2020 36414456 Fear, distrust, abuse, guardedness, no love
11/11/2020 36413847 Negligence, disrespect on either side, lack of love
11/11/2020 36413019 Marital problems, lying, mistrust
11/11/2020 36412819 Disrespect, poor communication, lack of support or feelings of love
11/10/2020 36365844 When parents argue or abuse their child emotionally.
11/10/2020 36365811 When parents neglect, abuse, or dismiss their children, this creates a negative parental relationship. Or in less extreme cases, when a parent is present and not directly abusive or neglecting, but instead tries to control their child too much.
Complete the sentence: I feel that my parental relationships are...
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Positive 15 40.54%
Complicated 14 37.84%
Negative 5 13.51%
Other 3 8.11%
Total 37 100 %
Complete the sentence: I feel that my parental relationships are... - Text Data for Other
11/12/2020 36414641 It depends
11/09/2020 36336767 Neutral
11/05/2020 36254492 Positive w my mom, complicated-ish w my dad
Please explain your response to the previous question.
11/13/2020 36573212 Abused by both parents
11/12/2020 36509558 I love my parents but as I've gotten older and been diagnosed with mental illnesses and disorders, therapy has pointed out the obvious that I've had a traumatic childhood. I'm also in psychology classes and as I learn more about development and the brain. I've realized that my the way my parents raised me was emotionally abusive. And sometimes borderline physically abusive. My father was always at work and trying to make money so he was distant most of my childhood. The time that i did spend with him was working on things or going to a job with him. He tried to be there for us but he would sometimes choose work over us. From a young age, it hurt but i understood that he was trying to provide so we'd keep our house and be able to eat. My mother, she was dealing with her own depression in my childhood and was emotionally distant. She also would let her anger get the best of her at times and would take it out on us kids. She was quick to anger but she was also quick to switch additudes and be happy shortly after.
11/12/2020 36498036 It depends on the context or situation. In some ways the relationship is positive but negative in others. Sometimes I feel like it’s a spectrum not one or the other. Mine leans more the negative side but it isn’t completely
11/12/2020 36414641 Well with my parents I love them dearly, they have been with me every step of the way and I am so grateful for them daily, because without them I would not be where I am today. But I think that they have a good balance between each other, because my dad is more of a guy with a lot of streets smarts and my mom was more of a school nerdy type of person, which is fine because they compliment each other, but at times they can really piss me off because, sometimes with parents you can’t tell them everything because they are very capable of shooting you down for sure. Lowering a child’s confidence is probably the worst thing that you can do because of the simple fact that, you are the first person that a child goes to, in order to get confirmation on where to go from that point that you are at currently. You can’t ruin your own child’s confidence in this evil world that we live in you have to be your child’s number one fan (realistically). So i said that it depends because my parents can definitely shoot me down at times, and being shot down can be one of the worst feelings especially coming from your parents. Because they are supposed to be your go to favorites.
11/12/2020 36414456 My mom and I are best friends.. I tell her everything Whereas my dad and I have a very strained relationship
11/11/2020 36413847 My parents have their good days and bad days. They’re not all the way positive or negative.
11/11/2020 36413019 Relationship with my mother used to be very negative but it is improving
11/11/2020 36412819 My parents always ensure that I am doing okay; that I am well. Even when they discipline me, it is coming from a place of love and wanting me to do/be better.
11/10/2020 36365844 I am adopted. Adoptive mother married 2 times. Our heads collide and anger comes out
11/10/2020 36365811 My parents aren’t perfect by any stretch, but I feel that the pain they caused me in my middle school and teenage years has been dealt with now and they have apologized and expressed regret. My parents were defiantly somewhat controlling and my mother didn’t understand me very well or try to understand me as a teenager, which was very hurtful. In the past year I’ve been able to express things to her and she has apologized and we now have a good relationship.