
2021 Webinar Proposal


Please provide contact information for the lead presenter and co-presenter (if applicable).
Lead Presenter
First Name
Preferred Name (optional)
Middle Name (optional)
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
Job Title
Briefly describe the presenter’s experience and perspective relative to the topic.
Webinar Content

Webinar Title
Abstract (max 100 words): Provide a brief description of this event. Plain text only (e.g., please do not use bulleted text, bold/italicized font, or similar). 
Narrative (max 500 words): Explain the importance and application of the topic. Consider: What would a participant in your session say they gained from the experience?  
Structure (max 500 words): Describe whether this session will be more software/application-based or more theory and discussion-based. Include examples of the type of activities/discussions you will present. 
Outline (max 500 words): Provide an outline that includes timeline and content structure. 
Learning Outcomes (max 100 words): Identify two or three learning objectives. 
The following are areas that are of current interest to data and analytics professionals.  Please select which of the following your webinar will address; please choose all that apply (please note that acceptance of your proposal is not dependent on your proposal aligning with these categories):
Choose webinar length:
If this webinar is tool-based, please indicate the software that participant should have access to. Enter N/A if not required.
Have you presented this content before?  Please choose all that apply.
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