Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Elearnning Evaluation-kirkpatrick

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How do you evaluate your elearning
experience (as a faculty member)?
Strongly agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Blackboard is easy to use
Broadcasting and recording lectures via Zoom is easy
Using Blackboard collaborate  is easy
 I am not facing difficulties when performing tests on blackboard
Level of satisfaction with provided technical support
It's easy to contact technical support for help
The services provided by the technical support team are sufficient
Technical support team quickly respond to my requests
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
How do you rate the trainingtopic?
How would you rate the trainer, in terms of level of knowledge on the training topic?
How would you rate the trainer management of the session?
How the trainer deals with the participants' questions
The trainer's ability to communicate and communicate with the trainees
How do you rate the level of discussion
How would you rate your training experience using Zoom?
How do you evaluate the adequacy of the time training?
How do you rate the training materials?
  Applying skills and knowledge in the educational process through elearning at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
Strongly Agree
strongly disagree
The extent to which the training is consistent with my job goals
 My ability to apply what I learned in the educational process
What I learned contributed in developing specific skills that can affect my success in my workplace
I recommend this training courses to my colleague.
How satisfied are you with our services
Any suggestions?
Any difficulties - problems - notes (technical or other)?
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