
UX of Computers and Contacts list 

General Comments

  • Enabled peer-review/collaboration.
    - marketing  5 years ago, 18-Mar-2019
Questions marked with a * are required
Dear user,

as you might have noticed, we changed the design of the TeamViewer user interface and with this also the Computers and Contacts list a certain time ago. In this survey, you have the opportunity to give feedback for further optimization of the user experience of the Computers and Contacts list. We want you to rate some possible variants of the list layout.  
Please note: The variants described in this survey are just drafts, it is not guaranteed that they will be implemented in later TeamViewer versions!   
It will take you approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your participation in this study is voluntary. Your survey responses will be treated completely anonymously. For more details, please see our Privacy policy.

Thank you in advance!

Your TeamViewer User Experience Team 
Your TeamViewer Usage
For a better understanding and classification of your answers, we would like to know how you use TeamViewer.
Do you have a TeamViewer License?
Are you an employee of TeamViewer GmbH?
Since which version have you been using TeamViewer?
How many TeamViewer connections do you have on average per week?
In which job/role are you using TeamViewer products?
Old vs. new design usage  

Do you use TeamViewer with the "new" (all in one window) user interface, see this screenshot?  

Or do you use the old user interface with option to un-dock the Computers and Contacts list, see next screenshot?

Very poorly
Very well
How well can you perform your tasks with the TeamViewer user interface you currently use? 
Please give reason for your rating
Which tasks do you mainly need to do with TeamViewer?
Contacts and Computers List Variants for (Windows OS)
In the following, you will see different variants how the Computers and Contacts list could look like. Imagine yourself using them at your daily work. Please give a rating for each one and a reason why you rated as you did.  

Variant 1: Current TV 14 default user interface

The client window can be dragged between two sizes:
  • Large window state
  • Intermediate window state

  • In the smallest available state (intermediate state) it is not possible to collapse the details
  • The actions on the devices and contacts are persistent together with the right window area

How it could look on your desktop:

Very poorly
Very well
How well do you think can you perform your tasks with this variant? 
Please give reason for your rating
Variant 2: Fully re-sizable window

It is possible to drag the client window to a third (small size) state
  • In this small state, the device / contact details are hidden
  • Actions on devices / contacts can be invoked by right clicking on them (using a context menu)


How it could look on your desktop:

Very poorly
Very well
How well do you think can you perform your tasks with this variant? 
Please give reason for your rating
Variant 3: Collapsible detail areaThe devices/contacts details can be collapsed/expanded by means of an (arrows) control 

Actions on devices/contacts can be invoked by right clicking on them (using a context menu)

How it could look on your desktop:  
Very poorly
Very well
How well do you think can you perform your tasks with this variant? 
Please give reason for your rating
Please rank the three Computers and Contacts list variants (1=highest preference, 3= lowest preference)
Variant 1: Current TV 14 default user interface
Variant 2: Fully re-sizable window
Variant 3: Collapsible detail area
Please give reason for your ranking
Do you have any other idea how we could improve the Computers and Contacts list?