Opinion poll on definitions, attributes and equations of the successful thesis proposal
 in the fields of Architecture and Urban Planning

Based on personal expertise and review of relevant literature, a conception of a "Successful Thesis Proposal" in the fields of Architecture and Urban Planning has been made. The conception consists of specific definitions, attributes and equations describing each component of the thirteen components of a Standard Thesis Proposal [1]. 
This field survey has been inaugurated to judge and validate the conception and its proposed definitions, attributes and equations.
Being an expert in supervising master and doctoral theses in Architecture and/or Urban and regional Planning, you are selected to participate in this Expert Survey in which you are kindly requested to evaluate and validate:
1-  The proposed definitions, which describe each component of the components of the proposal.
2- The attributes, which describe the ideal status of the component, and
3- The equations, which relates  the component to another component/s. 
You are kindly requested to check the choice you see best describing success for each definition, attribute and equation. 
Thank you very much for your time and support.     
Dr. Reham Abdellatif and Prof. Mahmoud Abdellatif
[1] A standard thesis proposal normally consists of thirteen main components: (1) Research Title, (2) Abstract, (3) Keyword, (4) Research Background, (5) Statement of the Problem, (6) Research Questions, (7) Research Aim and Objectives, (8) Research Scope, (9) Research Significance and Contribution, (10)  Preliminary Review of literature, (11) Research Methodology, (12) Research Skeleton and Timeline, and (13) List of References. These thirteen standard components will differ according to research type. For instance, in the case of hypothetical research type, the research revolves around the development of a specific hypothesis which describes the relationship between certain variable/s of the investigated environment and other variable/s (positive or negative correlation). Hypothetical research type is not addressed in this survey.
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