Post-Jam Survey: Game-Jam #1

Questions marked with a * are required
Thank you for taking part in the game jam! Mr Bunt hopes you enjoyed the experience and that it was fruitful for you. 
***This form is a follow-up, post-jam survey to be completed after the game jam has been completed.
Ethics number: N W U - 0 1 7 7 5 - 2 0 - A 9
Risks or Discomforts to the Participant: 
No foreseeable risks or discomforts to participants are expected.
The results of this research can aid in serious game development teams: (i) understanding and taking charge of all serious game activities; (ii) identifying the appropriate roles and stakeholders to design/develop serious games more effectively; (iii) determining which events fall within their control and which do not; (iv) recognising how stakeholders can contribute to functional areas within serious game interest areas; and (v) discover novel plans to use in future serious game contexts. Furthermore, the creation of a stakeholder taxonomy and related professional practice guidelines will benefit future serious game makers.
Reason(s) why the participant may be withdrawn from the study:
A participant can leave the research study at any time. When withdrawing from the study, the participant should let the researcher know that he/she wishes to withdraw. A participant may provide the researcher with the reason(s) for leaving the study, but is not required to provide their reason.
Participants in this study will NOT receive any form of monetary and/or academic remuneration.
The researcher will do the following to maintain participant confidentiality and will protect subjects' privacy by: (a) Using study codes on data documents (e.g. completed questionnaire) instead of recording identifying information and will keep a separate document that links the study code to subjects’ identifying information; (b) Encrypting identifiable data; (c) Removing face sheets containing identifiers (e.g. names and addresses) from survey instruments containing data after receiving from study participants; (d) Properly disposing of, destroying, or deleting study data / documents; (e) Limiting access to identifiable information; (f) Securely storing data documents within locked locations; and/or Assigning of security codes to computerised records.
Persons to contact in the event of any problems or queries:
Please contact the researcher telephonically at 072 088 0188 should the need arise. Alternatively, email
Potential participants can rest assured that participation in this study is completely voluntary and all identifiable stakeholders involved in the research will be asked to participate. It is not required that ALL of these participants consent to having their responses used in this research. So please do not feel pressured or forced to comply with this form. You have the choice to say "no, thank you".
I have read this form in detail. I understand the purpose and nature of this study and I am participating voluntarily. I understand that I can withdraw from the study at any time, without any penalty or consequences. *
I agree to take part in this study and I hereby grant permission for the data generated from this research to be used in the researcher's publications on this topic. *
I grant permission for the research to be recorded and saved for purpose of review by the researcher, supervisor/principal investigator, and ethics committee.
I grant permission for the research recordings to be used in presentations or documentation of this study.
I would like to be sent a copy of the results when they have been analysed and presented.
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