BOG Self-Evaluation

The pupils and staff are safe in ESPS.
The policy & procedures for Safeguarding & Child Protection reflect guidance.
The school Pastoral Care curriculum has sufficient preventative content built in.  
The pupils have a wide and balanced choice to participate in after school activity. 
The pupils' health & wellbeing is a focus for support and development. 
The pupils have a voice in school. 
The pupils are aware of anti-bullying and positive discipline expectation in school. 
Standards of behaviour are generally high. 
There is a high expectation on pupils standards and attainment. 
SEN, Newcomer, LAC and Traveller pupils are supported well in ESPS. 
There is a welcoming, inclusive ethos for all in the school community.  
The school involved parents in school life. 
The parents have a voice in school. 
The school regularly communicates and informs parents. 
The school attendance is generally good. 
The school involves the local community in school life, where appropriate. 
The board have good links with the school. 
The school is well led and managed. 
The standard of learning and attainment improved in line with the SDP 2016-2019.
The board have regular meetings. 
The board are regularly updated on anti-bullying, safeguarding and child protection matters. 
The board are involved in decision making. 
The board contribute to the school development planning. 
The school met targets in the previous SDP. 
The board meet with pupil representatives during the school year. 
The curriculum is planned and managed to meet the needs of the pupils. 
The school has strong transition arrangements for Nursery, Year groups and Year 7. 
The quality of teaching in the school is good or better. 
The resources in the school support the teaching and learning. 
The school environment is safe and well maintained. 
The school attendance procedures are appropriate. 
The school attendance procedures are appropriate. 
The school admissions procedures are appropriate. 
The school assessment and self-evaluation procedures are appropriate. 
The school mission, vision and values are appropriate. 
Improvement in reading is a suitable SDP target 2019-2020. 
Improvement in mental maths/problem solving is a suitable SDP target 2019-2020. 
Improvement in Play Base Learning is a suitable SDP target 2019-2020. 
Improvement in spelling is a suitable SDP target 2019-2020. 
Improvement in pupil wellbeing is a suitable target 2019-2020. 
Improvement in attendance is a suitable SDP target 2019-2020. 
Improvements in ICT Seesaw/Digital Award are suitable SDP targets 2019-2020. 
Improvement in ECO/Rights Respecting Silver are suitable SDP targets 2019-2020.