
Connect-OC Website Survey

Questions marked with a * are required
Instructions: Below are statements that describe how people might feel about our website and how people might feel or act toward people who are different. Based on your interaction with our website today, please indicate the number that best describes how often you feel that way.
To be eligible to enter a drawing to receive a gift card for your participation, please provide a valid email address.
What is your age?
1. I found the information about mental health on this site very useful.
2. I learned how to find help for myself or someone else living with a mental illness.
3. I would avoid people who are living with a mental illness.
4. I believe anyone can have mental illness at some point in their lives.
5. I am willing to speak with someone about my mental health.
6. I would consider participating in an upcoming Mental Health related event listed on the Events page.
7. I am likely to recommend this site to a friend or colleague.
8. Which feature or piece of information on the site was most valuable to you?
9. What can we do to improve your experience?
What is your sex assigned at birth?
What is your current gender identity?
What is your sexual orientation?
What is your English ability?
What is your primary language?
What is your secondary language?
Do you have any disability? A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment or medical condition lasting at least six month that substantially limits a major life activity, which is not the result of a severe mental illness.
What is your race/ethnicity
American Indian/Alaskan Native
African/ African American/ Black
Pacific Islander
Latino/ Hispanic
White/ Caucasian
Decline to State
What is your military status?
Has one of your family members served in the military? If yes, what is their military status?
What is your relationship or experience with mental illness?
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