DBC / Academy Leadership Institute Nomination Grant Survey: 2022-23 Program 

Thank you again for your dedication to DBC and leadership! The below questions are to help the DBC Leadership Team gauge your interest in DBC's current Academy Leadership Institute Grants.  When indicating which DBC Nomination Grant(s) you are interested in, please remember the following deliverables will apply:

$2500 Nomination:
1) Nominee will be responsible for the remaining $400 program cost 
2) Nominee agrees to share their learnings with the DBC membership by sharing their experiences a minimum of three times on social media channels (method and schedule TBD)
3) Nominee agrees to share their learnings with the DBC executive committee / membership via a program report, which may include one of the following reporting methods:  Writing two or more articles for the Business Insights Newsletter about their experiences; Presenting a webinar to DBC members; Attending and potentially speak at a DBC Networking Event at FNCE 2022; Representing DBC at an Affiliate/State Meeting via a DBC booth; Hosting a DBC networking gathering; Other agreed-upon reporting method, TBD

$1000 Nomination:
1) Nominee will be responsible for the remaining $1900 program cost 
2) Nominee agrees to share their learnings with the DBC membership by sharing their experiences a minimum of three times on social media channels (method and schedule TBD)

Thank you!
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