
Questions marked with a * are required
Thank you for considering participation into our study. We are examining a promising intervention that can potentially benefit mothers of NICU infants (currently or in the past five years) and help minimize feelings of sadness and stress. What follows are 1) an affirmation you have read the consent and understand the study goals and procedures, 2) a confirmation of inclusion criteria for potential eligibility into the study, and then 3) several questions asking about you and your baby and your feelings of sadness and stress within the last 7 days. The completion of this first round of surveys (prescreens) should take about 15-30 minutes, a few questions are very personal. Security measures are in place that no one but the researchers will see your comments for this initial survey or later surveys.

After completing this link (prescreens), if the prescreen scores indicate you are eligible for the study, YOU MUST RETURN TO THE HOMEPAGE to go to Link-3 (Randomization). A short set of questions will determine your placement in the study as one to receive the intervention or be a control motherĀ 

If you are selected to the control group, nothing else is necessary for you today but in four weeks please come back to the webpage and go to Link 6 to complete the final two surveys.

If you are selected to the intervention group, you will be automatically directed to where you may complete the first writing task. Once that is done, you are done for the day. Within the next 6 days or so, please return to the webpage and go to Link 4 and complete a second writing task. Then, the next day or so. please return to the webpage and go to Link 5 and finish the last writing task (EW #3) and the evaluation form. Once all is completed there for writing task #3, you will automatically be directed to the same two surveys you completed before. Once all this is done, you are finished for the day. Please try and do all three writing tasks in one week or less but please don't write more than one task a day. For completion of the study, please return to the webpage in 4 weeks and go to Link-6 to complete the same surveys again for the last time.

Are you ready to begin and confirm you have read the study consent?
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