
Questions marked with a * are required
You are now ready for your third and final writing task. Expressive Writing task #3: please write here for a minimum of five minutes about your birth/NICU experience. If you become extremely anxious while writing, please stop and return to the homepage or if you can, redirect your writing to a less stressful aspect of your birth experience. Please seek resources noted in the consent form as needed. Writings will be reviewed for signs of distress but not analyzed.

Once finished with this task, please click down to see several questions evaluating the writing exercise,  and then you will be automatically directed to complete two of the same  surveys you did before. As a final reminder, we ask that you go back to our webpage IN 4 WEEKS and complete these same two surveys for the last time. They can be found under the link labeled One Month Data (Link-6 )on the webpage. Please begin below by FIRST entering your personal ID code and then you may begin to write. (Reminder: your passcode is the first letter of your first name, followed by the month (number) you were born in, the first letter of your middle name (use "X" if none), and then the first letter of the city where you were born. ) An example may be C8TR.
Once you have completed ALL three of the expressive writing tasks, please complete the following questions evaluating this exercise.
Did you feel the writings help you feel a little better by expressing your feelings and emotions like you did?
Would you recommend writing tasks to other moms with NICU experiences?
In your three writings, did you write about the most traumatic aspect of your birth experience?
If you had to stop writing before  5 minutes was over for any of the writing tasks before going on (or switch to another topic), what do you think happened? (If you did not need to stop writing for any tasks, please answer below NA)
Please indicate how many "extra" writing tasks for 5 minutes minimum you did this week outside of the three requested:
Please indicate how distracted you may have been when writing your tasks:
No distraction
Very much distraction
Writing task #1
Writing task #2
Writing task # 3
Other writing tasks (if applicable)
How long did you write for each task?
Under 5 minutes
5 minutes
6 -10 minutes 
11 minutes or more
Writing task #1
Writing task #2
Writing task #3
Other "extra" writing tasks (average if more than one extra writing task done)
Too short
Too long
About right
Did you think the writing task minimum of five minutes was
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