
Scalar Items: Is It a Matter of Grammar or Pragmatic Inference?

Scalar Items: Is It a Matter of Grammar or Pragmatic Inference?
Dear Participant,  
Welcome to "Scalar Items: Is It a Matter of Grammar or Pragmatic Inference?" Before taking part in this study, please read the consent form below and click on the "I Agree" button at the bottom of the page if you understand the statements and freely consent to participate in the study.  
Consent Form
This study involves a web-based experiment designed to examine how monolingual and bilingual participants process scalar items in certain environments and whether or not the proficiency level of the participants influences the use of different strategies for the interpretation of scalar items. The study is being conducted by Fatma Nur Öztürk, a graduate student at the Department of English Language Teaching at Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey).  No deception is involved, and the study involves no more than minimal risk to participants (i.e., the level of risk encountered in daily life).
Participation in the study typically takes 20-25 minutes and is strictly anonymous. Participants begin by judging whether or not the targeted sentences paired with certain pictures are true or false in the given situation, after which they answer a series of questions about the acquisition and history of language use together with self-ratings of proficiency. 


You may not receive any personal benefits from being in this study. However, others may benefit from the knowledge gained from this study. All responses are treated as confidential, and in no case will responses from individual participants be identified. Rather, all data will be pooled and published in aggregate form only. Participation is voluntary, refusal to take part in the study involves no penalty or loss of benefits to which participants are otherwise entitled, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will be returned to you or destroyed. 

If participants have further questions about this study or their rights, or if they wish to lodge a complaint or concern, they may contact the researcher, Fatma Nur Öztürk, by email at ozturk.nur@metu.edu.tr.
If you are a native speaker of English, understand the statements above, and freely consent to participate in the study, click on the "I Agree" button to begin the experiment.