
Time and Talent

North Decatur Presbyterian Church
Sowing Seeds of Courage from Our Community of Care
 "Where you go, I will go. Where you lodge, I will lodge.
Your people shall be my people. And your God, my God.” Ruth 1:17

Why do we feel like we can courageously take on the world’s suffering when we are together? It’s because we, NDPC, are akin
to Naomi’s and Ruth’s story. We are a church that tends to each other’s wounds. We are a church that supports each other.
We are a church that challenges each other. We are a church that comes together to speak truth to power, to discern God’s
calling, and to act justly and fervently in our personal lives, our communities, and our world. We cannot do what Christ calls
us to do alone. Heck, even Jesus needed his 12 disciples! We need each other; we need to stand together on Christ’s
foundation to lift each other up and, in turn, have the courage to lift up the world. We need NDPC to be a mission for us, so
we can mission to the world. Please discern from the list below the ways you want to be a part of our caring community in the
coming year and place a check next to those areas.
You will notice the delineation of “Immediate Needs” and “Ongoing Needs (In-Person When Able)”. If you can give
more of your time now, please turn in your Time and Talent form as soon as possible to address some of the immediate
needs. You can also fill out an online form at https://ndpc.org/give/.
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