
Nywspaper Feedback Survey

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback about nywspaper

The goal of this survey is to understand how you view the news, how much you interact with them, and assess how helpful a tool like nywspaper would be for understanding bias in news. We would also like to understand how our methods are performing.
Please rate how biased you think the news are in general (not specific to nywspaper)
How often do you read the news?
How many news sources do you usually read?
Please name the top 3 news sources you read from
Name of the news source
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
How satisfied are you with the grouping of the news stories?
How satisfied are you with the suggested similar paragraphs?
Do you have any comments about the grouping of news stories?
Do you have any comments about the suggested similar paragraphs?
Please rate how much you agree with the following statements.
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
I have gained more perspective about the bias in the news after using nywspaper.
I am more aware how phrasing of information can affect my opinions after using nywspaper.
Using nywspaper is more useful than reading multiple articles, for understanding the different perspectives.
This tool's capabilities meet my requirements
This tool is easy to use
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