
Youth with Disabilities and Employment Survey

Questions marked with a * are required
The goal of this survey is to determine the effects of the attitudinal barriers on gaining employment for youth with disabilities. Youth with disabilities experience greater difficulties with gaining employment in comparison to the typically developing youth. The young adults with disabilities typically have higher unemployment rates than their peers, and they are also more likely to be underemployed than the typically developing youth, according to Statistics Canada. The aim of the study is to demonstrate that there are other reasons for high unemployment of youth with disabilities and contribute to the creation of a toolkit to assist youth with disabilities with finding employment. We focus on attitudinal barriers as one of the primary reasons for high unemployment of youth with disabilities. The survey results will provide us with data to test the proposed theory.
The survey is completely anonymous and the results will be used for research purposes only.
Do you have any of the following disabilities?
What is your age?
What is the highest level of education you completed?
Which province do you reside in?
Are you currently employed?
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