Worcester Therapy Group
Client Feedback
We value your opinion so please be as honest as you can about your experience with us
How did you first contact us?
How long did you have to wait until your first session with a therapist?
How did you feel about the length of wait?
How would you rate each of the following?
Our communication outside of sessions
Our therapy rooms
Accessibility to our service
Any other comments you would like to make:
Next we would like to ask you about your therapist
Which therapist did you see?
How many sessions did you have?
Please let us know how much you agree with the following
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
My therapist and I were working towards the same goals
I felt that my therapist and I were a good fit
I was offered the right balance of challenge and support
I understood what we were doing and why
I felt my therapist understood me
Any other comments you would like to make:
Finally we would like to ask you about your experience as a whole
Please let us know how much you agree with the following
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I have benefitted from having therapy
My sessions represented good value for money
I would recommend Worcester Therapy group
Overall how would you rate your experience?
Any other comments about your experience as a whole:
If you're happy to share some information about yourself it will help us to develop our service.
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