trends - part 5 - Dashboard
visibility Viewed
Total Responses
flag Completed
timelapse Completion Rate
do_not_disturb_on Dropouts
8 min
access_time Average Time
Countries Responses
US 54.55%
CA 9.09%
GB 9.09%
IN 4.55%
NZ 4.55%
SE 4.55%
AU 4.55%
HU 4.55%
IE 4.55%
Total 100.00%
Tech writers can provide significant value by relaying knowledge of the user experience back to product teams.
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Undecided 2 9.09%
Agree 11 50%
Strongly Agree 9 40.91%
Total 22 100 %
In your experience, what have been the most effective and practical ways to gather user feedback?
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Feedback buttons on doc pages 6 10%
Comment forms below doc pages 4 6.67%
Email contact forms 2 3.33%
Surveys sent out at milestone events 3 5%
Support tickets 11 18.33%
Conversations with field engineers 11 18.33%
Usability studies 7 11.67%
Web analytics 4 6.67%
Using yourself as a proxy/novice user 11 18.33%
Other 1 1.67%
Total 60 100 %
In your experience, what have been the most effective and practical ways to gather user feedback? - Text Data for Other
10/03/2018 25066058 User forums and mailing lists
One of the main challenges with technology organizations is understanding the user experience in detail and communicating that experience back to the product team.
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 1 4.76%
Undecided 4 19.05%
Agree 14 66.67%
Strongly Agree 2 9.52%
Total 21 100 %
Do you have any experiences or comments related to gathering and relaying user feedback that you want to share? 
10/05/2018 25196662 Meeting with user groups and trainers is a great way to get feedback. I'm looking forward to when we can get statistics on usage. In our industry things are locked down behind a firewall and it's difficult to tell what's actually being used, let alone who uses what.
09/29/2018 24785477 tom test