trends - part 8 - Dashboard
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4 min
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Countries Responses
US 57.14%
AU 7.14%
CA 7.14%
CN 7.14%
GB 7.14%
ID 7.14%
IN 7.14%
Total 100.00%
Was there anything noteworthy or frustrating about this series that you want to share? 
10/04/2018 25114244 I'd like to hear more about methods to get developers to work with tech writers. The value of a tech writer's role does seem to be swept under the rug and people do not give much of their time - if any - when it is asked for. Ironically, the same questions and problems that documentation could resolve continue to resurface.
The themes and ideas in this essay resonated with me.
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly Disagree 1 7.14%
Disagree 0 0%
Undecided 0 0%
Agree 6 42.86%
Strongly Agree 7 50%
Total 14 100 %
I liked answering short surveys along the way.
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Undecided 1 7.69%
Agree 8 61.54%
Strongly Agree 4 30.77%
Total 13 100 %
I found this content through the following:
Answer Count Percent
20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
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Linkedin 2 16.67%
RSS feed 1 8.33%
Online search 0 0%
Newsletter 6 50%
Friend emailed me the story 1 8.33%
Other 2 16.67%
Total 12 100 %
I found this content through the following: - Text Data for Other
10/04/2018 25120546 Presentation from Tom at our office